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NARS Research Report Exhibition ( Labor·Employment )


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1. Need for Legislative Discussion on Restrictions on Daily Extended Work (2024. 02. 01.)

2. Preventive Measures for Occupational Health Hazards of Customer Service Workers: Legislative Impact Analysis of Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (2023. 12. 29.)

3. Policy Directions for Employment and Maternity Assurance for Women in their 20s and 30s (2023. 12. 29.)

4. AI and the Labor Market - Quantity and Quality of Jobs and Labor-Management Relations: Focusing on the Main Contents of ‘OECD Employment Outlook 2023’ (2023. 12. 27.)

5. Current Status for Small Business Social Safety Net and its Expansion Plan: Focusing on Employment Insurance for Self-employed People (2023. 12. 18.)

6. Legislative Tasks for Reducing Disadvantages to Workers Taking Parental Leave: Comparison between the Supreme Court Ruling on ‘Namyang Dairy Products Case’ and the Ruling of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia on ‘Heraud v Roy Morgan Research Ltd’ (2023. 02. 14.)

7. Current status and implications of youth employment policy in local government (2022. 11. 07.)

8. Current status and issues of introducing time-off system for public officials and teachers (2022. 6. 15.)

9. Analysis of employees’ quality of lives and improvement plan in the 6th “Working Environment Survey” (2022. 5. 27.)

10. Meaning and tasks for introduction of labor director system in public institutions (2022. 5. 6.)

11. Constitutional Decision over Employment Permit System and Implications (2022. 1. 27.)

12. Current Status of Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) and Tasks (2021. 10. 8.)

13. Necessity and Considerations for the Application of Employment Insurance to Voluntary Turnover Persons (2020. 12. 17.)

14. Progress and Future Tasks of Employment Insurance for Self-employed Persons (2020. 12. 16.)

15. Status and Future Tasks of Additional Youth Employment Incentives in Korea (2020. 7. 28.)

16. Reinforcing the Assurance Ability of Unemployment Benefits:Progress and Future Tasks (2020. 7. 27.)

17. Implications and Future Prospects of the Revised Trade Union Act Regarding Trade Unions‘ Operation Cost Aid (2020. 6. 16.)

18. Status and Improvement Tasks of Enacting Employment Insurance for Artists (2020. 5. 29.)

19. Current Status and Future Tasks of the Flexible Working Hours (2020. 3. 23.)

20. Reinforcing the Social Safety Net of Low-Income Micro Enterprises (2020. 02. 27.)

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