글자 확대 기본 글자크기 글자 축소

Chief's Message


“Greetings from Chief of the National Assembly Research Service, Park Sang-Chul”

국회입법조사처장 김만흠
  • The National Assembly Research Service (NARS) was founded in 2007 as a research agency tasked with strengthening the National Assembly’s legislative and policy development capabilities and expertise. The NARS is the only research arm of the legislative body in Korea which covers all subjects across the state affairs.
  • The NARS is dedicated to serving the National Assembly members in their parliamentary activities by responding to their requests one-on-one. We also provide the members with essential information by taking a multi-perspective approach to our examination of current issues while upholding the principles of non-partisanship and confidentiality in the conduct of our research.
  • The NARS also initiates research and analysis on major state affairs and overseas legislative and policy trends to publish high quality reports. Moreover, we assist the members by offering seminars and forums to facilitate political and social discourse.

  • Going forward, we promise to work hard to make legislative information easily accessible to the public. Furthermore, the NARS will continue to strengthen its role as a comprehensive think tank of the legislative branch so that it can create a hopeful National Assembly and earn the trust and support of the people.

  • We deeply appreciate and look forward to your continuing interest and unwavering support.
Park Sang-Chul

Chief of the National Assembly Research Service

Chairman's signature