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< Issue Brief >
Title - Current State of Household Energy Utilization and Directions for the Energy Welfare Policy
Author : Yu Jae-kook (Researcher; Industry and Resources Team)
Published : November 5, 2014
Summary: Energy welfare means that people are provided with the minimum level of energy, enough to have safe and stable lives. However, in Korea, the beneficiaries of the energy welfare policy-namely people suffering from an energy shortage-are not clearly defined. This report examines the current state of household energy utilization with 15 indexes, then shows three scenarios related to the people suffering from an energy shortage, and estimates budgets to support them. It concludes with directions for the energy welfare policy and its legislative implications.
< Distribution Memoranda >
Title - The Analysis of the Presidential Election in Brazil in 2014 and Future Tasks
Author : Kim Young-il (Chief Researcher; Political and Parliamentary Affairs Team), Kim Yu-jung (Assistant Researcher; Political and Parliamentary Affairs Team)
Published : November 5, 2014
Summary: In the second-round runoff presidential election in Brazil, the incumbent president Dilma Rousseff from the Workers' Party (PT) was re-elected by a narrow margin, 51.6% to Aecio Neves from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB)'s 48.4%.
It is expected that President Rousseff will have to deal with a variety of challenges. In particular, she has to overcome the opposition party led by a strong competitor, Aecio Neves, and stiff resistance from a market that opposes the current economic policy. Moreover, she needs to complete the task of reconciliation between the request for restructuring from the market for economic growth, and her pro-working class policies.
11.05. The Analysis of the 2014 Presidential Election in Brazil and Future Tasks
11.05. Current State of Household Energy Utilization and Directions for the Energy Welfare Policy
11.04. Current State of Domestic Water Management and Directions for the Enactment of Basic Water Law
11.03. Limitation for Appeals in Major Countries and its Implications
11.03. Meaning of the Recent Constitutional Court Decision on Reapportionment in Korea and Relevant Tasks
10.31. Current State of Overpackaging of Snack Foods in Korea and Tasks for Improvement
10.29. Agricultural Industry after the Ratification of the Nagoya Protocol and Future Tasks
10.23. Problems on the Disputes Regarding Retransmission Fees for Sports Broadcasting and Improvement Tasks
10.20. Meaning of the Election System in Brazil Reflected in the 2014 Presidential Election
On 3 November 2014, NARS held a joint policy seminar on the 'Plan for the Safety of the Public and Protection of Rights to Respect Life' with Anti-corruption & Civil Rights Commission of Korea, Korea Respect for Life Research Institute, and Korea National Council on Social Welfare.
The purpose of the seminar was to find solutions for social phenomena, such as violence and suicide, that threaten the public safety and peoples' lives, and to draw improvement plans to solve such social problems. Professionals from the Anti-corruption & Civil Rights Commission of Korea, the Foundation for Preventing Youth Violence, and various academics were invited to participate in comprehensive discussions.
In his congratulatory speech, Chairman Chung Woo-taik of the National Policy Committee emphasized that it was necessary to diagnose the problems accurately, and solve the diagnosed problems using the current law and system. With this mind, in his congratulatory address President Kim Il-su of the Korea Respect for Life Research Institute stated that it would be an important turning point to describe and discuss the reality and subsequent improvement plans based on relevant evidence.
The seminar began with a keynote speech given by Mr. Cha Heung-bong of Korea National Council on Social Welfare, followed by presentations by Ms. Yoo Hyun-sook and Researcher Moon Moo-cheol (Anti-corruption & Civil Rights Commission of Korea). In session 1, Attorney Kim Chang-hwan (Law Firm Chang), Ms. Lee Yu-mi (Foundation for Preventing Youth Violence), and Researcher Cho Kyu-beom (NARS) participated in the discussion, which was moderated by Professor Choi Seung-won (Ewha Womans University). Insession 2, Ms. Sun Nam-i (Korea Respect for Life Research Institute) and Professor Park Hyung-wook (Dankook University) gave presentations, with Professor Ahn Yong-min (Seoul National University), Professor Yook Sung-pil (Yongmoon Graduate School of Counseling Psychology), and Mr. Lee Soon-tae (Korea Legislation Research Institute) participating in the discussion.
The seminar was a productive event that gave participants the opportunity to discuss violence prevention in school and the army and to foster a social discourse for respect for life.
Upcoming Events at NARS
The 5th International Seminar for Parliamentary Research Services
-Date and Time : Friday, November 21, 2014
Past Seminars and Discussions
11.13. Examination of the Ideological Conflict for National Integration and the Role of the National Assembly
11.07. The Fourth Generation Warfare and Corresponding Measures
11.06. Current State of Overpackaging of Snack Foods in Korea and Tasks for Improvement
11.03. Plan for the Safety of the Public and Protection of Rights to Respect Life
11.03. Issues and Current State of the Economic Relationship between Korea and China
10.30. 100 days of Choi Kyung-hwan Economics: Achievements and Tasks
10.30. Current State of U-healthcare and Its Tasks
10.24. The Role of the National Assembly for the Development of Inter-Korean Relations
10.24. Cost-benefit Analysis of SOC: Considering the Social Cost
The NARS Newsletter is issued on a monthly basis