글자 확대 기본 글자크기 글자 축소


Research Report

Analysis of the 2014 Presidential Election in Brazil and Future Tasks


Category - Issues and Perspectives

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In the second-round runoff presidential election in Brazil, the incumbent president Dilma Rousseff from the Workers’ Party (PT) was re-elected by a narrow margin, 51.6% to Aecio Neves from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB)’ ‘s 48.4%. It is expected that President Rousseff will have to deal with a variety of challenges. In particular, she has to overcome the opposition party led by a strong competitor, Aecio Neves, and stiff resistance from a market that opposes to the current economic policy. Moreover, she needs to complete the task of reconciliation between the request for restructuring from the market for economic growth, and her pro-working class policies.

Korea Open Government License

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