- ¡å Full text is provided in Korean. For more information please contact -  sarahpark1@na.go.kr
#1 Issue Brief
Title - Revised Electoral System of Germany 2013
Author : Kim Young-il (Head;Political and Parliamentary Affairs Team),
Kim Jong-gap (researcher; Political and Parliamentary Affairs Team)
Published : January 27, 2014
Summary:In the electoral system of Germany, 299 members are elected in electoral districts and the remaining members are elected by proportional representation. The number of single seat districts from sixteen states with legislative power is deducted from the overall number of seats allocated to the party. During this however, a party could win more single-seat district seats in a state than it is validated to according to the second vote results. This overhang mandates are conserved by the party which increases the total number of seats in the federal parliament. To avoid this negative voting weight, Germany revised its seat allocation method to give compensation seats to political parties for any overhang mandates so that the parliament could maintain the overall proportionality.
#2 NARS Report
Title - How to Increase Women's Representation in Parliament
Author : Kim Young-il (Head;Political and Parliamentary Affairs Team),
Lee Jeong-jin (researcher; Political and Parliamentary Affairs Team),
Cho Joo-eun (researcher; Health, Welfare, Family, Gender Equality Team)
Summary: Although South Korea has elected its first female president, women's political representation in the country is still low. This report identifies and explains the reason for women's low political participation from three perspectives. By looking at the institutional, political and parliamentary culture strands the study analyzes and suggests the following solutions. First, increasing quotas for women, expanding female proportional representation,and amending the constitution to include gender equality representation should be reviewed institutionally. Second, ways of improving transparency and women candidates in public nomination, and encouraging women into political life should be discussed in the political field. Third, elevating more female members in standing committees and writing new laws and regulations regarding gender equality should be considered at the parliamentary stage.
02.25. Current Merge of Science and Technology Research Councils and Challenges
02.24. Voting Rights of People with Suspended Sentences, Unconstitutional: Legislative Tasks
02.21. Problems and Suggestions for the Improvement of Funeral Services in Korea
02.21. Introduction of Foreign Food System: Current Status and Issues
02.19. Major Issues and Tasks of the Housing Benefit Act
02.17. Issues and Concerns of the Comprehensive Bidding Process of Public Works
02.14. Legislative Trend of Chauffeur Services at Home and Abroad
02.13. Convention on International Trade in the Korean Railroad Industry
02.12. Legislative Impact Analysis of Article 47 (3), (4) of The Public Official Election Act
02.12. The Current Family Reunions of Korean Families Separated by the Korean War and Policy Directions
02.11. Financial Crisis in Emerging Markets: Impact on Korea's Market and Lessons
02.10. Protection of Missing Children: Problems and Solutions
The National Assembly Research Service (Chief, Dr. Koh Hyun-wook) hosted a joint seminar with the National Assembly Economic Social Policy Forum (led by Kim Yong-ik of the Democratic Party), the Korean Society for the Economics and Finance of Education (Director, Choi Joon-yul), and the Korean Society for Educational Law (Director, Hyun Yum-chul). The seminar took place on February 17 at the main conference room of the NARS under the theme of "Current Local Education Finance System and Statute Revision."
Professor Woo Myung-sook of Korea National University of Education and Choi Joon-yul of Kongju National University opened the seminar with their insightful keynote addresses. Professor Woo pointed out that in the previous administration, fiscal autonomy of metropolitan and provincial offices of education has weakened due to amendments to laws and regulations. Professor Choi analyzed the current statutes related to metropolitan and provincial offices of education and compared laws of general administration and educational administration, and proposed amendments to current local education finance laws.
In his congratulatory speech, Jeong Jin-hoo of the Justice Party said that due to financial challenges, it is difficult for metropolitan and provincial offices of education to proactively adjust their education policy to the changing environment. He added that he would do his best to revise the current local education finance subsidy act in order to cut the specific grant by 50%.
Past Seminars and Discussions
02.26. Current Status of the Sales Declaration of Small Agricultural Product Processors and Legislative Tasks
02.25. Case Studies of Rail Demand Forecasting: A Focus on Diversion Demands
02.20. Searching for Korea's New Growth Engine
02.20. Introducing Environmental Support Program to Korea's Agriculture Sector Based on EU Case Studies
02.19. Understanding Korea's Pension Fund and Its Forecast
02.17. Current Local Education Finance System and Suggestions for Improvement
02.13. Enhancing Measurement Model for the Korean Wave Index
02.11. Legal Systems in Korea
02.11. VFM (Value for Money test) for Private Investment
02.10. Text Book Policy in European Countries
The NARS Newsletter is issued on a monthly basis