글자 확대 기본 글자크기 글자 축소


Research Report

Status Analysis and Agenda for Outdoor Billboard Regulations by Local Governments


Category - Issue Brief

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This report reviews the problems and agenda for outdoor billboard regulations by local governments, and presents future plans for improvement. In terms of the tasks for improvement, the Outdoor Advertisements, etc. Control Act and the Enforcement Decree should firstly be amended for a simple system with understandable terms. It also suggest for 16 types of outdoor advertisements under the current law to be simplified, and the regulation of electrical billboards to be reviewed. Moreover, the current civil complaint procedure without the online report system is too inconvenient for the petitioner, therefore needs to be simplified. Next, in terms of the plans to deal with illegally established outdoor advertisements, the toughened punishment of habitual manufacturers of illegal advertisement and the reward system for those who report illegal advertisements were suggested.

Korea Open Government License

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