글자 확대 기본 글자크기 글자 축소


Research Report

Issues surrounding the Urban Regeneration Promotion Project


Category - Field Survey Report

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[A Study on the Problems and Policy legislative Issues of Urban Regeneration Promotion Project) "Urban Regeneration Promotion Project"(also known as "New Town Project") was needed because small environment improvement project can not provide the infrastructure efficiently. For the activation of "Urban Regeneration Promotion Projects", many preferential treatments were given such as the relaxation of zoning, construction ratio of the small size housing, reduction of taxes and charges and so on. Nevertheless, until now there are many lawsuits about the "Urban Regeneration Promotion Project" and by the end of October 2011, 10 districts have been canceled. Therefore, this study clarified the current state of "Urban Regeneration Promotion Project", and then derived its problems from the survey and interview to officials and residents. Finally, Politic and legislative issues are suggested for "Urban Regeneration Promotion Project" to be enforced smoothly and stably from now on.

Korea Open Government License

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