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NARS Research Report Exhibition ( Artificial Intelligence )


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1. Ensuring the Reliability of AI in the Workplace and the Protection of Employees (2024.06.26.)

2. Policy Tasks for Expanding Autonomous Manufacturing in the AI Revolution Era (2024.06.13.)

3. Essential Preemptive Power Supply and Power Grid Expansion in Response to the AI Revolution (2024.05.21.)

4. The U.S. FTC’s Algorithm Deletion Order, Implications for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Learned from Personal Information Infringement Data (2024.03.22.)

5. Can AI Patent Rights be Granted?: Review of Possibilities Through Analysis of Patent Law (2024.03.06.)

6. AI and the Labor Market - Quantity and Quality of Jobs and Labor-Management Relations: Focusing on the Main Contents of ‘OECD Employment Outlook 2023’ (2023.12.27.)

7. The Current Status of Artificial Intelligence-Based Public Services and their Improvement Tasks (2023.10.20.)

8. Trends of Legislative Discussion for FATE(Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics) of AI and its Implications (2023.07.04.)

9. Emergence of ChatGPT and Challenges in the Field of Artificial Intelligence (2023.03.03.)

10. Major issues related to copyright of artificial intelligence creations (2022.12.30.)

11. Issues and challenges of using artificial intelligence in the field of criminal justice (2022.12.29.)

12. Overseas legislative trends and implications of deepfake campaign based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology (2022.11.10.)

13. Issues and Challenges of Using Artificial Intelligence through the Case of AI Chatbot Lee Luda (2021.02.15.)

14. Improvement Tasks for Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence (2020.09.25.)

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