President Dr. Farrukh Mukhamedov Erklievich of the Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited NARS on November 19, prior to attending the 5th International Seminar for Parliamentary Research Services to meet with the Chief of NARS Dr. Lim Seong-ho.

This was Dr. Mukhamedov's third visit to NARS. He first visited in May 2014, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and also visited to attend the 4th International Seminar for Parliamentary Research Services in November. He expressed his gratitude to Dr. Lim for inviting him again and went on to quote a well-known saying in Uzbekistan : "The first time you meet you become friends, the second time you get to know each other better, and the third time you become close relatives.'

During his meeting with the Chief of NARS and his staff, Dr. Mukhamedov talked about efforts to expand research service workforce, bill evaluation and feedback process, Uzbekistan's social security system, Korean companies in Uzbekistan, and outlook of Korean-Uzbekistan resources diplomacy.

The Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation of Uzbekistan is a research institution with more than 50 staff members with PhDs that conducts legal reviews, monitors current legislation, and implements the concept of deepening democratic reforms and establishing civil society in the country.