글자 확대 기본 글자크기 글자 축소


Research Report

Reviews and Suggestions for Resident Recall System


Category - NARS Report

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[Operational status and improvement ways for resident recall system] The purpose of this study was to review the current operation status of resident recall system in Korea and propose improvement ways for it. Resident recall system for elected local government officials has been introduced since 2007 and 51 cases for 5 years until 2011 have occurred. There were 7 cases which were led to residents’ voting to decide whether the accused officials had to be dismissed. Two elected officials were dismissed as a result through majority votes from residents. This study suggests 6 ways including following measures to improve recall system. First, proportionally represented members of local parliament should be included in the subject list of recall. Second, the signatory prerequisite of local residents to recourse on a recall should be graded differently according to the population size of local government. Also, in order to secure fair recall activities, penalties on dishonesty or unjust voting should be strengthened.

Korea Open Government License

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